Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Corey Burton.

He was my 300th Hit on my blog

 He always supports me.

"Why did you even try?
Because nothing good was on TV. But in all logical reasoning I'd say, without knowing the situation, you tried because you believe the goal or desire in which you were trying for would provide something you're currently lacking, whether it be an item, a service, or a feeling. And one of these days, trying will get you somewhere.
I mean, if you dont try, you're stuck where you are. At least if you do try, you have a chance of moving. Its early/late (as I havent slept yet) so this may make no sense when you read it. But sometimes the point of failure isnt because you werent good enough, and isnt because it'll just "never happen". Its because the direction you approached the situation was wrong. Sorta like asking "What color is tuesday?" or "Why is the automatic?". Before you can get the right solution, you've gotta figure out how to approach the problem. And now I hope early-morning-semi-psychological-corey has you thinking! - Corey Burton after I asked him  "Why did I even try?"

He would easily be one of my best friends.

And he is NOT James Baker.

Corey Burton. Iloveyou man ♥


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