Sunday, January 9, 2011

It wont stop anytime soon.

One of the things I hate most in the entire world.
Is ignorant racists.

Oh no, I'm not talking about people using the phrase "nigga" or "gook" or anything like that.
No. I'm talking about people of African America descent. Thinking that because of something that happened a long, long time ago. being incredibly racist to all other races.

Let me start from the beginning.

A long time ago I joined a group called "I Love Being Black" and even if you arent black you should go and join the group to show your support for an inspirational group. . .  Atleast. . Thats what I would be saying if it wasnt for the experience I just had on their page.

Usually thier posts are really intelligent and I read them and I feel like the world is slowly progressing towards that whole sitting in a campfire, arm in arm, in front of a rainbow peaceful kind of world.
But after reading this:

I was a bit confused. To me this post, as empowering as it was, was borderline saying that white women don't struggle in the same way as black women.

So I decided to view the comments. And this is where my dissapointment stemmed from.

Kenneth Skinner "Yes OUR woman should be celebrated.our greatest current example is Americas queen Michelle Obama. An accomplished woman.even more so than the president. In business and in Many other endeavours.she has grace and has the common touch to relate to all. Besides her our woman have done so much."

Starr Love-Kitten "I agree to a degree justin....but ur white so u dont get how we feel to a degree"
(Justin being somebody who said the same thing as me, just with less detail)

Comments like this actually made me sad.
I posted a comment:

Maxx Dow "Although I don't fully understand the african american struggle
Isnt it a tad ignorant to act like BLACK women are the only women who struggle in the work force?
All women struggle in the work force. Its known fact that for every dollar a man makes a woman earns 70 cents. Im all for empowerment but with all of the people in here boasting about how your race is the best race and how even one of you said that "Darkskin blacks are the ORIGINAL blacks, all others are replicas & renditions" thats beginning to sound alot like an old german dictator if your catching my drift?

Black people are not the only people who recieve racism. I could not count how many times ive been called a "white boy" by an ignorant african america, hispanic or asian oriented person before.

Think twice before thinking that "black" people are the only people who face prejudice, because you dish it out alot harder than you recieve it."

Post a comment below giving me your opinion about my comment. but I'll have you know. That not only was my comment deleted but I was "chewed out" for being an "arrogant, smartass whiteboy"
So many people in that group abused me for being a racist that I myself actually began to believe that I WAS being racist.

Comments I recieved included

Linda Wheeler lets have our own delete the AH buton wut day is it skin head .idiot day this isnt the only Black or even Christain page ive seen the likes of the evildoer like Colin bransfield ????Jesus Christ do we really have to put up with such disrespect???!!!!

Its sad to see that racism is still around in a really big way, that somebody cannot post a thought provoked comment without being abused for his views, especially by the very people that most would think would understand the most.
Live by your words.
Dont expect others to if you dont yourself.

Thanks for reading.

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