Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dont tell me about sacrifice. (Part 2)

Before I talk about the collapse of my friendships. I would just like to point out that I went through a number of relationships. and contrary to popular opinion I put my everything into those relationships. Some of them fell apart when I had one of my episodes, 3 of them cheated on me, Of them decided to just not talk to me anymore. But during those times when I was single, there was one girl who the rest of the group had known before she moved to our school, who even though I pretended to want nothing to do with, I actually fell pretty hard for and unknown to me, the girl who James Baker was also in love with.
Anastasia Rae.
She was one of the only girls who i've never really approached.
I treated her like a friend, hoping, waiting for some sort of confession.
Little did I now that I'd get that confession.
After she had moved nearly 2 hours away  -.-
And so I pretended like all guys in my position.
Just like I always have.

Speaking of Segways. Soon after my 17th birthday dinner in which Jamie Malloy (A newly adopted friend into our "group" that had been wittled away to only four original members Myself, Daniel, James & Travis) Nicole Duffy (my then girlfriend) and Daniel all attended with my family. Finnigan joined as a band as 2nd guitarist.the band became known as "Stand Alone". who are a really good band and you can check out there MySpace page right here:
(Hows that for promotion boys?)

Soon after this Daniels Commitment to the band increased more and more, and thus he slowly stopped talking to me. I'm not sure if it was only because of that or if there were some underlying reasons but netherless in the end It became incredibly hard for me to get into contact with him.
And when I did talk to him, we would tlak about hanging out like we used to.
But something always came up.
And so I lost a friend.
I lost a brother.

Ever since then I havent really let myself get close to another person. Jamie & Myself became really close.
And sometimes my mind tricks me into thinking that he could be my best friend. but really we both know that isnt true.
James Baker. Now he. One guy who no matter what, will always be honest. Will always keep his word, Will defend me even to people that would otherwise not give me a chance. His family even put a roof over my head when I needed it most.
I dont think he is my best friend.
I know he is my brother.
He is Family. And I can honestly say that I love him, along with his crazy family that I know I can call my family aswell.

And then everything with Nicole happened.

Part III?

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